Politics & Polls #7: The Coattail Effect, Gerrymandering & Third-Party Candidates

August 11, 2016 by Sam Wang

On Politics & Polls (iTunesSoundCloud, PodOmatic): Donald Trump has attempted to ease tensions within his party by endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator John McCain and Senator Susan Collins. But do Republican candidates actually want the endorsement? Could Trump have inverse coattails, and drag other candidates down? Listen to Episode 7!

Correction: I referred to the Republican Senator from New Hampshire as Susan Collins. I meant to say Kelly Ayotte. Collins represents Maine!



wrong podcast? says:

The episode my podcatcher downloaded is last week’s episode labeled as this week’s episode. Check and correct?

Sam Wang says:

It is fixed.

Jay Sheckley says:

I like the new feature of asking you a question at the end, although asking an aggregator to point to a single poll of interest -while a terrific opening to speak- is somewhat askew: Language limits us. In this your lessons remind one of John Oliver’s demonstration of media regularly touting scientific outliers into top stories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rnq1NpHdmw …So we enjoyed your response about candidates where more polling is needed. Is there an overlap with battles now concerning ActBlue? I’d like to know more about the mentioned possible interest in McMullins in Utah, Arizona and Nevada, and whether Georgia’s strobing [changing hue ] is attributable to minority growth noted in their last census. We ask ourselves why do Oregon and Ohio shimmer so? [Changing saturation of the same color.] It is welcome to hear Woocast’s gentle jazz and your reasonable voices. So welcome my cat came into the room halfway through and lay down 18 inches from the dog who did not stir. Thanks both of you and congratulations on the success of your pleasurable series.

Olav Grinde says:

It is welcome to hear Woocast’s gentle jazz and your reasonable voices. So welcome my cat came into the room halfway through and lay down 18 inches from the dog who did not stir.
If only the reasonable voices on these podcasts might inspire Democrats and Republicans to do the same!

mediaglyphic says:

Interesting Podcast. I wonder if this year isn’t a perfect storm to cause the gerrymandered congressional landscape to backfire. The pack and crack strategy results in a whole bunch of narrowly won red seats that should be vulnerable. I wonder if there is a way of quantifying this?

bks says:

Sorry, not a podcast type of guy, but in case this is news, NC gerrymandering struck down:

Kevin Moore says:

What’s gone wrong? I can’t get to the podcast without a weird “Microsoft Outlook” sign in. I don’t have Outlook or a password. I was able to listen to the other 6 podcasts with no problem.

Kevin Moore says:

I got to it by clicking the graphic icon – it’s only the hyperlinks that give the odd error. Happily listening now.

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